About Us
About Fresh Look Exterior LLC -
Fresh Look Exterior LLC proudly provides professional pressure washing services in Central Indiana that will keep your property beautiful. Our mission is to build great relationships with our neighbors and surrounding communities by providing a great, hassle-free, premium service for all their exterior cleaning needs. We are a veteran-run, local family business that wants to provide the quality service our local communities and businesses deserve! Our customers can choose from a wide range of services such as exterior window cleaning, paver cleaning, driveway washing, gutter cleaning, and more customized to their specific needs. When you are ready to hire a professional pressure washer, contact Fresh Look Exterior LLC in Central Indiana ! We want to be the #1 pressure washing company you can depend on to keep your property maintained and well-kept.

Our company stands by our promise of a premium quality job done right. We take pride in treating our clients with respect, honesty, and we strive to build long-term relationships with our customers.
Pressure Washing Services In Central Indiana
At Fresh Look Exterior LLC, we care about your property’s look and condition, and we take pride in our work. Our experienced pressure washing team is trained to use the proper cleaning solution for any kind of exterior surface and handle hard-to-reach areas with professional care. Whether you need a roof cleaning or paver cleaning and sealing service, we will deliver ideal results every time. Our property cleaning solutions are designed to address tough stains like grease, oil, mold, and mildew, offering effective cleaning for surfaces that may appear weather-beaten or heavily soiled. We use the latest eco-friendly technology to ensure our cleaning process is safe for your home and the environment. With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, we aim to exceed expectations with every project. So don’t let your home get taken over by dirt and mold. For top-of-the-line pressure washing in Central Indiana, give us a call to discuss your next project.